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at last

May 10, 2024

I can gleefully declare that spring has sprung on the farm after it hit a perfect 22 C. (72 F.) yesterday, just two days after it nearly hit freezing. I started on some of my countless outdoor projects and ended up lounging by the creek, listening to Miles Davis’s incomparable album Kind of Blue.

With winter done, I can concentrate on getting our place ready for whomever takes it over. Regrettably, it looks like it won’t be any of our four offspring. None of them want to make the Big Move north of the 49th. That could change if Trump gets re-elected, but even that may not be enough motivation.

It continues to baffle me how many Americans are willing to vote for a man who openly admits he is willing to trash democracy, given a second chance. He would likely be even more efficient at it than he was in his rookie term.

There is enough time for all that to change, of course, but it gives me chills on this balmy day. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to walk the dogs to be reminded of what’s important.